Time is on your side when growing your savings.
Ready to give your savings a lift? One way to hit the "up" arrow is with TBT Certificates of Deposit, which are safe investments that pay higher rates than most traditional savings accounts.
Short Term*

- For CD terms of 30 days to one year
- $1,000 minimum opening deposit
- Earns interest at fixed rate established on deposit date
- No monthly service charge
- No online banking fee
- Automatically renewable at maturity
- Interest may be credited to a TBT checking/savings account, paid directly to customer by check periodically (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or at maturity), or reinvested at maturity
- Deposits up to $250,000 are FDIC Insured
Long Term*

- For CD terms of over one year to five years
- $1,000 minimum opening deposit
- Earns interest at fixed rate established on deposit date
- No monthly service charge
- No online banking fee
- Automatically renewable at maturity
- Interest may be credited to a TBT checking/savings account, paid directly to customer by check periodically (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually, or at maturity), or reinvested quarterly or at maturity
- Deposits up to $250,000 are FDIC Insured

- For CD terms of 30 days to five years
- $1,000 minimum opening deposit
- Earns interest at fixed rate established on deposit date
- No monthly service charge
- No online banking fee
- Automatically renewable at maturity
- Interest may be credited to a TBT checking/savings account, paid directly to customer by check periodically (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually, or at maturity), or reinvested quarterly or at maturity
- Deposits up to $250,000 are FDIC Insured
*Contact your TBT branch for rate information. Early withdrawal of any funds from your CD prior to maturity may result in an early withdrawal penalty of half the term. Please contact your TBT trusted advisor and consult your CD disclosures for more information.
Texas Bank and Trust is a fiercely independent, community bank with full service locations throughout east and north Texas.